Work - handmade with help from a computer
Happy New year everyone! My ART (outside of working with my pupils at school) in 2022 hasn’t been as prolific a year for me as I’d have liked, I’ve been so busy with lots of projects that have taken me away from my board, With that said I am proud of the work I’ve done, MONFORTE, BRONCO, ARTHUR and my painting of the Queen, MAJESTY: 70 GLORIOUS YEARS (originally done for the Jubilee but sadly shared more for her funeral) have all been BIG challenges creatively. I currently have about four more paintings prepped, So,let’s hope I can dedicate more time in 2023 and finally have that elusive ART exhibition.#watercolourpainting #watercolorpainting #watercolour #portrait #portraiture #petportrait #doglover #orvillepeck #hermajestythequeen #queenelizabeth #QueenElizabethII #watercolourportrait #watercolourportraiture #BarbraStreisand #Barbra #funnygirl