Working with talented people and encouraging them to create is a wonderful experience, developing product / art for whatever trade is a treat.
Working for Hallmark taught me the Greeting card industry but with F.A.B (Art Director) and then Paper House/G.B.C (Creative Director) I had the luxury to instigate an awful lot of work I am proud of. Card ranges included 100 Kisses (U.K.G), Button (Simon Elvin), Mr Biscuit (Garlanna), Tulip, Great Outdoors, What Age?, Primrose Lane, Happy Hour, Enchantment (Paper House) and Downton, Warhol (G.B.C) along side work for Ling, Blossom’s & BowsNigel Quinney and my own ranges Cherry Boom, Boom, Maxwell (Fabulous) and High Fives.