5 April 2016
‘An American Toy Story’ comes to life at The American Museum In Britain (Bath) from March to October 2016 with a host of Movie themed events. Find out more here >
The exhibition (designed by Matt) is the history of movie memorabilia and collectables , Highlights include, Chris Reeves original Superman costume from the 1978 movie, The history of Animation, Disney Princesses, James Bond (including the Motorcycle as used in ‘Tomorrow Never Dies’), Classic toys from the early days of cinema, not to mention a ‘Jurassic World’ kiddies playroom and the story of Sci Fi and STAR WARS collectables.
The design for the exhibition was conceived by Matt with graphics produced by Tomology Design.
5 April 2016
Matt has had his latest painting published in the APRIL edition of ARTISTS & ILLUSTRATORS. Under the title of ʻSpring Projectsʼ Matt and two other artists talk about various tasks incorporating ʻLightʼ into a painting. Matt talks about “Contre Jourʼ or ʻBack lightingʼ your subject.