29 October 2022
My painting AUTUMN LEAVES has been turned into a large Fine Art Print, we’ve made it landscape and it looks amazing, thanks Lis and Dave at Yellowmoon/Pricelis Art
29 October 2022
Art With Mr Jeanes 2022- This was our term 1 art project for Year 6 at Staple Hill Primary.
The idea was to use DOODLE ART to represent each person with an image of their likes and loves in full colour, then on a separate coloured piece of paper,. to write anything to do with FREEDOM in a single colour, Then Draw around hands and position the loves piece on top to represent our own freedom.. I think they did a great job.
15 October 2022
After painting murals in the library of HANHAM ABBOTS PRIMARY and a character mural for the library of SAMUEL WHITE’S INFANTS, I was asked to come up with another ‘original’ design for the large lunch rooms at the school,. This included a large mural incorporating key characters to the school (Hedgehog, Badger, Fox and Owl) and story elements to incorporate a second room, mezzanine and complimentary surroundings. It was quite a big job taking a good 5 days,. but all done,. it’s a great feeling to return to my old infants and primary schools and leave a mark after 55 years.
9 October 2022
Working with my talented Year 5 students at Kings Forest this year, we worked on a soft pastel and silhouette collage in the style of artist Janet Brooke. We tied it in with their required reading of the book ROOFTOPS, these are some of their results.
ROOFTOPS with Mr Jeanes no 2